IT Governance and Compliance
IT Governance is a subset discipline of corporate governance that deals with the structures and mechanisms deployed for managing organizations. Governance takes the standpoint of a supervisory board that is responsible for ensuring management effectiveness and compliance in the organization. Thus, governance takes a somewhat external perspective and is somehow “superordinate” to management.
In a similar vein, the interest of IT Governance is in the effectiveness and compliance of Information Management in an organization. Effectiveness means, that those involved in Information Management exploit the potential of IT and realize business value. Compliance means, that managers make sure that the use of IT is in line with legal requirements and ethical concerns (e.g. data privacy, intellectual property). The focus of IT Governance is on the managerial roles involved in and the mechanisms applied to IT/IS-related decision-making and control. Such mechanisms range from formal and informal relationships, committee and reporting structures to contracts, internal guidelines or external standards that guide managerial action.
Selected publications
- Teubner, A.; Remfert, C.: IT Service Management – Specification of IT Services. Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. WISU — Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 44(2015)6, pp. 698–699.
- Gaebert, C.: Reliable Customers and Credible Fixed-Price Contracts for Software Development Projects: A Study of One Supplier’s Contracts, In: Matulevičius, R.; Dumas, M. (Eds.): Perspectives in Business Informatics Research. Berlin, Heidelberg (Springer) 2015, pp. 18-32.
- Gaebert, C.: Protection of Customers’ and Suppliers’ Knowledge in Software Development Projects under Fixed-Price Contract: Using Property Rights Theory. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT) 2015, Colmar, France, 2015.
- Gaebert, C.: Contract Design and Uncertainty in Software Development Projects. In: Johansson, B.; Anderson, B.; Homberg, N. (Eds.): Perspectives in Business Informatics Research. Berlin, Heidelberg (Springer) 2014, pp. 217-230.
- Teubner, A.: IT Investment Management & IT Governance. Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 40(2011)5, pp. 700-702.
- Teubner, A.; Feller, T.: Informationstechnologie, Governance und Compliance. Für Sie gesurft. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 50 (2008) 5, pp. 400-407.
- Teubner, A.; Mocker, M.: Governance und Leistungstiefe der IV bei einem Finanzdienstleister. Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 36 (2007) 2, pp. 238-239.
- Teubner, R. A.; Terwey, J.: IT-Risikomanagement im Spiegel aktueller Normen und Standards. In: HMD — Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 41(2005)244, pp. 95–107.
- Teubner, R. A.; Terwey, J.: Informations-Risiko-Management: Der Beitrag internationaler Normen und Standards. In Becker, al. (eds.): Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik Nr. 112. Münster 2005. (29 pp.).