Sourcing and Organizing the IT/IS Function

Digitalization challenges the traditional role and places new demands on the corporate IT/IS functions. Traditionally, the IT/IS function is expected to provide a reliable and secure infrastructure in support of business operations. Todays digital organizations are even more dependent on smooth infrastructure operations and seamless IT service provision. At the same time, digitization calls for high flexibility and agility in responding to new business situations and opportunities. Thus, the IT/IS function is not only expected to be a reliable service provider, but also to be pro-active and take an innovative role in exploring new digital business solutions. These contradictory demands have led to promoting the model of a “two-speed IT”. However, little is known on how such an IT/IS function could look like.

Things become even more complicated with cost pressures and an increased propensity to outsource parts of the IT/IS function. There are good reasons to consider IT outsourcing, since the market for IT services has grown substantially over the last decade with more and more specialized providers offering their services. However, increased outsourcing also results in new demands on the (retained) IT/IS function that must manage providers and orchestrate external services towards the fulfilment of organizational needs. 

Selected publications

  • Teubner, R. A.; Ehnes, D.: The Corporate IT/IS Function: Competences and Organization for a (Digital) Future. In: Tagungsband Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018. Data-driven X – Turning Data into Value. Bd. 5. Lüneburg (Leuphana Universität) 2018, pp. 1825-1836.
  • Stockhinger, J.; Remfert, C.: Evaluating the Two-Speed IT Concept for Digitalization. In Fiona, F.-H. N., Bo, S. X. (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th International Conference HCIBGO - HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations 2018, pp. 162–174.
  • Teubner, R.; Remfert, C.: Eine Fallstudie zur Einführung des IT-Servicemanagement in einer Lehr- und Forschungseinrichtung. In: Becker, J. et al. (eds.): Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 139. Münster 2016. (60 pp.)
  • Gaebert, C.: Reliable Customers and Credible Fixed-Price Contracts for Software Development Projects: A Study of One Supplier’s Contracts, In: Matulevičius, R.; Dumas, M. (Eds.): Perspectives in Business Informatics Research. Berlin, Heidelberg (Springer) 2015, pp. 18-32.
  • Gaebert, C.: Protection of Customers’ and Suppliers’ Knowledge in Software Development Projects under Fixed-Price Contract: Using Property Rights Theory. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT) 2015, Colmar, France, 2015.
  • Teubner, A.; Remfert, C.: Shared Service Centre and IT Service Management. Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium 43(2014)5, pp. 653-654.
  • Gaebert, C.: Contract Design and Uncertainty in Software Development Projects. In: Johansson, B.; Anderson, B.; Homberg, N. (Eds.): Perspectives in Business Informatics Research. Berlin, Heidelberg (Springer) 2014, pp. 217-230.
  • Teubner, A.; Steffen, M.: IT Organization and Sourcing at TechnoTronics. Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 42(2013)6, pp. 684-686.
  • Remfert, C., & Teubner, A.: Das Projektbüro als Träger des Multiprojektmanagements. In Lang, M., Kammerer, S., & Amberg, M. (Eds.), Projektportfoliomanagement in der IT. Düsseldorf (Symposion Verlag) 2012, pp. 329–362.
  • Teubner, A.; Mocker, M.: Governance und Leistungstiefe der IV bei einem Finanzdienstleister. Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 36 (2007) 2, S. 238, 239.
  • Teubner, A.: Organisation der betrieblichen Informationsfunktion. Examensklausur aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU — Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 33(2004)2, pp. 228–232.