Digital Transformation and Technochange

Changes in the IT-based infrastructure of any organization always entail change – often to a considerable extent. Pundits of the Business Process Reengineering movement have already formulated this insight during the 1990s when advising managers: “Do not use IT to automate but to obliterate!” Digitization has revived this idea and advanced it by acknowledging that IT enables new forms of (digital) organization and opens new business opportunities. In fact, the term Digital Transformation characterizes a kind of fundamental change driven by (digital) information technologies.

However, under the assumptions of Digital Transformation, the traditional approach for co-ordinating technical and organizational changes no longer works. The traditional approach is sequential with several phases to go through: (1) defining business requirements for the IT-based infrastructure, (2) building the infrastructure, and (3) adapting the organization to the new infrastructure. Technochange, in contrast, demands managing technological and organizational change synchronously and in relation to each other.

Selected publications

  • Teubner R. A.: An Exploration into IT Programs and their Management. Findings from Multiple Case Study Research. In: Information Systems Management 36(2019)1, pp. 40-56.
  • Teubner R. A.: IT Program Management Challenges: Insights from Programs that Ran into Difficulties. In: International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management 6(2018)2, pp. 71-92.
  • Teubner, R.; Diederich, S.: Managerial Challenges in IT Programmes: Evidence from Multiple Case Study Research Managerial Challenges in IT Programmes: In Becker, J. et al. (Eds.), ERCIS Working Papers No. 22. Münster, January 2015. (29 pp.)
  • Teubner, R., & Pellengahr, A.: IT/IS Programme and Portfolio Management. Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU — Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 43(2014)10, pp. 1235–1236.
  • Teubner, A.: Information Systems Strategy and Organisation. Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 41(2012)6, pp. 833-835.
  • Teubner, A.: IT Strategy, Architecture and Project Planning. Die Klausur aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 30(2011)8-9, pp. 1129-1130.
  • Teubner, R. A.: IT/Business Alignment. Das aktuelle Schlagwort. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik, 48(2006)5, pp. 368-371.
  • Teubner, R. A.: Business Engineering. In: WISU — Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 35(2006(10), pp. 1285–1291.
  • Teubner, R. A.: Methodische Integration von Organisations- und Informationssystemgestaltung: Historie, Stand und zukünftige Herausforderungen an die Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung. In: Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik Nr. 113. Münster, Mai 2006. (34 pp.)
  • Teubner, A.: Information Engineering. In: WISU — Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 32(2003)8, pp. 1061–1070.
  • Klein, S.; Teubner, A.; Gogolin, M.; Rentmeister, J.: IT-induzierter Wandel. Examensklausur aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Teil 1: In: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium 32 (2003) 3, pp. 364-367.
  • Teubner, A.: Software Engineering und Information Systems Engineering. WISU — Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 29(2000)5, pp. 704–709.
  • Teubner, A.: Organisations- und Informationssystemgestaltung. Theoretische Grundlagen und integrierte Methoden. Wiesbaden, DUV/Gabler 1999. 
  • Kurbel, K.; Teubner, A.: Integrating Information Systems Development into Business Process Reengineering: An Evaluation of Software Engineering Paradigms. In: ISAS 96 — Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, 1996.
  • Kurbel, K., Eicker, S., Kersten, F., Schnieder, T., Teubner, A.: I-CASE bei der Entwicklung eines großen Informationssystems: Eine Information Engineering-Fallstudie. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 36(1994)2, pp. 130–144.